June 3, 2008

Just a Few Dollars Make a BIG difference!

Returning to Izinga Adventist Primary School revealed a dramatic change from what I had discovered the year before. Villagers had formed a committee to decide how to use the donated FACE funds. It was voted to purchase roofing, cement and timbers to build a new school. The people began the work by chosing a new site; clearing an area; making mud bricks to dry in the sun and with the community support, built the lovely building shown above. The school began as a small building and grew to house hundreds of children, not just the few pictured in front of the old school building below. What a blessing!

The next step was to build new desks, so dedicated men and women finished the work. Now the children are being blessed with a brand new school. FACE funds were only the beginning. Just a few dollars made the difference between a dark, damp, bamboo and mud building and this beautiful classroom to educate the whole village.

Jesus Christ is being brought to the children and adults of Uganda. Thank you donors for your dedication to the future of these children, you are now their "Aunties and Uncles." Is it possible to imagine how many children will be learning about their creator God as these families labour for literacy? Praise God!

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